
Sales.Rocks – Automate sales and connect to leads

Sales.Rocks is a platform that automates your whole sales process and connects you with leads through multichannel, hyper-personalized outreach.

Make lead gen a piece of cake by using Sales.Rocks to get data points and filters for companies and contacts.

You can narrow your search to your target with filters and options like the country, region, and industry code (NACE/SIC).

Pick the companies or contacts that match your target and create a custom lead list to unlock data and get contact information for leads.

Contact search dashboard

Use filters like job title, location, and industry for your target audience in the Contact Search Module.

With the Drip Campaigns Module, you can create hyper-personalized sequences, including email and LinkedIn actions, to automate your outreach.

Use your saved lead lists or add your own CSV or Google Sheet file to set up the campaigns.

In the drag-and-drop builder, you can add triggers based on the recipient’s actions and customize your email templates or LinkedIn actions.

And because it’s simple to check the stats for each campaign, you’ll always be on top of open, reply, and bounce rates.

Drip campaign statistics

Review email drip campaign statistics and get a timeline of all email activities on the campaign dashboard.

With Sales.Rocks, you'll be able to hyper-personalize your drip email campaign templates with image personalization and one-liners.

You can add a custom tag to images and AI-generated opening sentences to your email templates.

Use custom placeholders to add other information to the email templates and run your evergreen campaign.

Image personalization editor

Add custom images and one-liners to your drip email campaign templates to hyper-personalize your outreach.

The last thing you need are emails that land in the spam folder, which is why the Email Warmer is designed to improve your domain reputation and email deliverability.

The Warmer analyzes email threads so it can send automated emails and replies.

All the interactions are made to look as “human” as possible to achieve a natural flow and prepare your domain for your future campaigns.

Email warming stats

Get email warming statistics with a daily overview of inbox/spam delivery percentages.

Doing cold outreach manually is like building your own car—it’s a fun way to get your feet wet, but it won’t win you any prizes. (“Sorry Fred, you can’t enter the Flintmobile in the NASCAR Cup.”)

Sales.Rocks supports your entire sales team by helping you create a company lead list and enabling collaboration for cold outreach.

Take the lead.

Get lifetime access to Sales.Rocks today!

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