
Teachify – Sell courses, downloads, & memberships

Teachify lets you sell coaching sessions, video courses, digital downloads, and memberships with a custom website.

With Teachify, you can sell digital products, as well as premium content, memberships, and coaching sessions.

Whether it's sales copy, pricing, or promotional offers, you’ll be able to manage everything using the same platform.

Plus, this tool supports third-party integrations with popular apps like Zapier, ConvertKit, Meta Pixel, Zoom, and Google Analytics 4.

Sell online

Manage and sell courses, products, and premium content from the same platform.

Using the Webpage Builder, you can use pre-made blocks and website templates to whip up polished landing pages.

That means you can create menu sets, adjust buttons, and set the width or height until you’re satisfied with your site’s look and feel.

You’ll also have the freedom to determine filter conditions and display product pages that boost sign-ups and subscriptions.

Product pages

Create your own product pages to get users to sign-up and subscribe.

Already got a website? Teachify lets you embed widgets on any page to add a whole lot more functionality.

You’ll be able to drag-and-drop buttons, course lists, and calendar booking widgets on any existing website.

For seamless navigation, you can also modify all the website elements, links, and text displayed on the main menu.

Page editor

Embed interactive widgets on any web page—even on an existing website!

As your business grows, Teachify gives you the flexibility to manage multiple categories, products, and instructors simultaneously.

You’ll be able to set multiple pricing options, like standard subscription plans or tiered plans, and sell courses to other organizations.

Plus, it’s a cinch to add instructors and enrich existing content to scale your business and improve customer satisfaction.

Manage everything

Manage multiple categories, products, and instructors simultaneously.

You shouldn’t have to jump through all these technical hoops just to monetize your ideas and passions. (“LeBron James could never. And neither can I.”)

That’s why Teachify lets you create online courses, sell digital products, and build websites that rake in the dough.

Turn your passion into paychecks.

Get lifetime access to Teachify today!

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