in – Generate formulas with AI uses AI to convert plain English into formulas and programming languages, so you can analyze data without any coding experience. automatically converts text entries into code, so you can generate formulas and analyze your data—all without any coding skills!

You can access syntax for programming languages like SQL, VBA, Regex, and Excel formulas to execute technical processes in a snap.

Just tell the tool what you need to get done in plain English, and the AI will generate a formula that achieves that goal.

Formula generator

Enter plain English text and let the AI generate syntax for coding languages and spreadsheet formulas.

Thanks to the convenient add-ons, you can access the tool from Excel, Airtable, and Google Sheets.

And because integrates with other tools in your workflow, adoption is a no-brainer.

In just a few clicks, apply a formula to an entire spreadsheet to streamline repetitive tasks, like extracting contact info in bulk.


Access the tool from Excel, Google Sheets, and Airtable to streamline your workflow. also lets you convert code into simple English, so you can understand the gist of all that technical mumbo jumbo.

Quickly generate detailed explanations of formulas to learn how they work and what they accomplish.

So instead of racking your brain to figure out a random programming language, you can let take care of business.


Generate explanations of formulas to understand programming languages.'s interface is so user-friendly you can breeze through complicated analytic tasks.

Because the tool trains its own AI model on top of ChatGPT, you'll be able to generate accurate formulas.

Whether you’re an accountant, product manager, or marketer, working with large amounts of data is easier than ever.

VBA generator’s simple interface makes technical processes a cinch for users across industries.

Unfortunately, the Duolingo owl can’t bully you into learning any programming languages. (“Well, there goes all my motivation.”)

Good thing’s AI instantly converts plain English into code, so you can start working with your data right away.

Analyze data like a pro.

Get lifetime access to today!

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